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Loan Rates

Each of our unique loan programs are designed to meet your needs; long or short term. Whether you need a loan with little or no down payment or are looking to borrow over a long period of time, we have the loan to meet your needs.

Rates are effective as of 12/20/2024. Rates subject to change without notice.

Loan Products APR* Term
Unsecured Loan as low as 8.00% up to 60 Months
New Auto, Motorcycle as low as 5.25% up to 84 Months
Used Auto, Motorcycle Loan as low as 6.00% up to 72 Months
Home Improvement Loans as low as 7.25% up to 120 Months
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Phone Number: (216) 573-6700
Toll Free: (800) 909-6828
Fax: (216) 573-6732
Location: 6100 Rockside Woods Dr., Independence
This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.
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